Objective : Grossvenediger Nordgrat, 3666m
Team : Diana, Tobi, Georg
Taking a 'taxi' (see link) from the last parking space, we (this time) save about 3.5 boring hours getting to the Kürsinger Hütte. | Small neighbor of the 'Grossvenediger': the 'Grosser Geiger' | Next morning - Apocalypse Now | Followed by a faster-than-light speed ascent... |
...until the crevasses delay us to normal speed again. | Diana returning from 'down below'. | Quite nice approach... | ...including some rests in covering position to not give our position away. |
Because we have a mission to accomplish - we aren't here for fun! | Reaching the rocky part of the north ridge | Georg (dressed in anti-camouflage), looking for the enemy. | Our piece of work for today: Grossvenediger Nordgrat |
Diana and Georg | The first part is the most ugly one of today - traversing in very loose rock. | After that (reaching the first wind gap) the rock gets increasingly more solid. | ... |
At the 2nd wind gap, final ascending. | View back to the 2nd gap | Enemy spotted. | ... |
Mission continuates | Almost there | By the power of... Grayskull! | The crux of the whole north ridge - a 3+ just below the summit |
Tobi's shadow making pictures. | Diana in the last meters, yards, feet, whatever... | Finally... | ...we can make a mess of the summit! |
Probably one the worst summit pictures ever ;) | Descending via the normal route. | Discipline slackens once the mission is fulfilled. | The upper third of the Grossvenediger Nordgrat. |
Back on easy ground. | And back at the Kürsinger Hütte. | The whole Grossvenediger Nordgrat as seen from the hut. | And again, we save many hours by taking the hut-taxi. |